Reading as a skill

“Reading is psycho-linguistic guessing game”

“Reading is thinking under the stimulus of the printed page”

“Reading means understanding a written text.

“Understanding a written text is extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible.”

Therefore, when you read, you read the lines, read between the lines and also read beyond the lines.

Reading can be done where we sit relax and run our eyes through the words on the page – is called passive process

Reading with understanding or meaningful reading using mental faculties-is called active process.

Reading is a skill when one has the knowledge of the language, grammar, vocabulary, interpretation, reason to read, appropriate method, experience and background. This will make understanding effective and meaningful.

SQ3R technique of reading

This technique was developed by Robinson in his book “Effective Study” 1970. SQ3R stands for the initial letters of the first five steps shown below:

  1. SURVEY:
    • Take a Quick Glance of Title Page, Preface & Chapter Heading of a text -This survey will gauge the main ideas of the text
    • Get the Idea of general subject area-Author’s name, date, Place of publication on Title page
    • Get the Idea of theme & organization-From the Table of contents, Preface & Foreword
    • Survey of Index or bibliography-gives the contents of book or text
    • Following questions will arise after surveying the book or article
      • If the book or article is useful or not?
      • Does this provide any guidelines information on the subject at hand?
    • The individual chapters will lead to specific questions regarding the topic
    • Reading & understanding the texts will answer all your questions.
    • Reading should not be an automatic process
    • Reading has to be conscious and deliberate with a definite purpose.
    • Reading provides interaction with the topic and the author
  3. READ:
    • Now begins the actual reading
    • Develop a critical approach to reading
    • Read the text over and over again-each time with different question and purpose
    • Focus on the main points or ideas and supporting details
    • Make notes of important points
  4. RECALL:
    • Recalling or Reciting is follows after Reading
    • This is done after reading some portion of text
    • Once your background knowledge is increased by reading there is need to connect the information gained with existing knowledge
    • Whatever you have read enables to connect and relate the content with previous and future learning of the subject
    • Recite aloud, silently or write down the main points
    • Put across the points in your own words
  5. REVIEW:
    • This is the final stage of Reading
    • This the process of checking whether we have followed the earlier stages promptly and efficiently.
    • The survey of the book, article or magazine has been properly done?
    • Have the appropriate questions related to the content been asked?
    • Has the information required for the study been critically read and recalled?
    • This will sharpen your critical ability and enable you to form opinion on the topic and express them to others.

“I read it once and understand everything”kind of attitude is nothing but a myth

Try to practice SQR3 Technique in your reading and research.This is a highly rewarding experience.


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  1. VP Sharma says:

    Interesting write up !!!Actually useful!!!

    1. Thank you ! I would appreciate if you can read other blogs in the website that might be of your interest too.Keep Reading and Keep Sharing the “Professional Vibes “website with others.:) 🙂

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