Organizations are never STATIC-keep on changing!

The change is occurring so rapidly ,there is a need for new ways to manage . The Modern Manager must not only be flexible and adaptive in a changing environment but also be able to diagnose problems and implement change programs. Such circumstances forces them to search for a well defined scientific tool.

- It is A well defined Scientific tool
- To understand these changes
- To help in prevailing these changes
- For the benefit of Organization
- For the benefit of its members
- To help Organizations to adapt theses changes
- To improve the Organizational Effectiveness
- To enhance the development of Organizational members
PURPOSE | OD is all about creating sustainable improvements in business results | Delivering Real Value |
VISION | OD works on achieving successful outcomes every step of the way | Delivering The Change Agenda |
INTEGRATE | OD works on getting everything and everyone working together | Delivering Superior Thinking |
MISSION | OD is about knowledge creation and problem solving | Delivering A Return On Investment |
VALUES | OD is about realizing collective and individual potential |
OD is an EFFORT:-
- Planned
- Organization wide
- Managed from the TOP to
- Increase Organizational effectiveness and health through
- Planned interventions in the Organizational PROCESSES using Behavioral Science Knowledge
Importance of OD to MANAGERS :-
- ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE:- The area of Company’s operation where change is needed is identified ,analyzed and their effects are projected to draw out change management plans aimed at increasing the effectiveness of employees.
- GROWTH:- It serves as an important tool of planning and managing corporate growth .OD analysis helps to know the rate of company’s growth by identifying sales projections and consumer’s demand. This helps the company to alter its expansion and business plans,allocation of resources and distribution network to have room for future growth.
- WORK PROCESSES:- OD analyses work processes to check efficiency and accuracy .Quality control measures are put in place to attain company standards. Managers analyze various alternate processes for greater efficiency and implement plans to improve company methods.
- PRODUCT INNOVATION:- Competitive analysis, technology development, consumer preferences , target market research, patents and trademarks are some of the processes of OD that assist product innovation.
Thus OD is the most relevant disciplines available at the disposal of managers to gain competitive advantage ,cope up with technologies and business environment. It helps in increased organizational progress,product innovation and growth and increase in employee motivation and morale.

OD has evolved more than 60 years from now through application of knowledge of behavioral science and work of social scientists like Kurt Lewin and strongly influenced by work of other psychologists.
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